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How To: Perform David Blaine's levitation trick

Have you ever seen world class magician David Blaine levitate? Well David Blaine's magic trick gives the illusion of having both feet in the air when they really aren't. This instructional how-to video shows you how to perform the King Rising levitation illusion. Follow closely and learn how to con your friends into thinking that you are really levitating. Perform David Blaine's levitation trick.

How To: Cheat on an exam with a modified pen

Check out this instructional video and learn how to make a special pen that will help you cheat on your next exam. Just make sure you don't get caught. Maybe you could spend the time studying, or maybe you're irredeemably stupid. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to make a cheat pen.

How To: Hack a Candy Machine with a Paper Coin

Craving candy but have no change? Then listen closely to this hack. This con how-to video shows you how to hack a candy machine by creating fake quarters. This hack trick should also work on parking meters. Never pay for candy or meters again. Watch this video tutorial on YouTube and learn how to hack a candy machine with a paper coin or cardboard.

How To: Use a skirt to cheat on exams

Sorry gentlemen but unless you like wearing skirts this pranks & cons how-to video is mostly for the ladies. Watch and learn to cheat on tests using low cut skirts and well placed cheat cards to achieve academic glory. Boys maybe be able to use this cheating technique with other clothing so be creative and enjoy all the straight A's. Follow along and con your teachers into thinking you really studied for the test. Use a skirt to cheat on exams.

How To: Hack a lock with a soda can shim

Don't know the combination to your lock securing all of your important gym socks? Maybe you just want to impress all of your friends by hacking a combo lock? Whatever the reason, this instructional hacking video will show you how to open a lock with a soda can shim the easy way.

How To: Open a padlock with a soda can shim

Watch this video and learn to hack a padlock with a soda can. Make a lockpick for a padlock using just a soda can. A few cuts and folds and you'll be a full fledged thief or prankster. You can pull a pratical joke on any of your friends with the soda can hack after watching this instructional video. Break into lockers using this lock picking hack.

How To: Pick a lock in a flash

Learn to Pick a lock in less than 5 minutes with this how-to video! You will need a half-diamond pick, a rake pick, a tension wrench and a pin tumbler lock. A lack of morals doesn't hurt either, unless you're just trying to break into your own lock that you've lost the key for. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to pick a lock.

How To: Snooper-proof your RFID chip loaded wallet

Did you know that malicious people can use scanners to read the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips in your credit cards and identification documents and steal your personal information? Learn to protect your personal information from hackers and scammers with this simple method involving aluminum foil.

How To: Beat a polygraph or lie detector test

AntiPolygraph.org's George Maschke speaks with Nick Frost about how to fool a polygraph (lie detector) test in episode 5 of the tongue-in-cheek 2003 television series Danger: Incoming Attack. Note that the anal sphincter contraction, discussed as a polygraph countermeasure, while effective, is no longer recommended by AntiPolygraph.org, and alternative techniques such as mental countermeasures or tongue-biting are to be preferred.

How To: Use steam to to crush a can

*WARNING* This experiment uses heat and boiling water, so be sure to have an adult around to help. This classic experiment is a fun way to learn about air pressure. We don't usually think much about the air around us, even though it plays such a vital role in our lives. it gives us oxygen to breath, carries away excess heat from out bodies, and squeezes us with over 30,000 pounds of pressure. Wait a minute! What was that last part?For this experiment, you will need:

How To: Perform the floating cutlery trick

If you find yourself alone and bored with a spoon and fork then this is worth taking a look at. Learn how to float utensils above a glass using only fire and your imagination. This trick would work great for parties and bars alike. Float cutlery items and become a local magical legend. Perform the floating cutlery trick.

How To: Perform the water to ice trick

Ever need ice right away but do not have time to run to the store? Here is an easy way to make water turn into ice instantly. Using a few common household products, produce ice from water in the matter of seconds and enjoy a nice tall glass of a chilled beverage.

How To: Perform the levitation trick

Want to levitate like the street magicians do? Learn how to make yourself levitate off of the ground and shock onlookers everywhere. David Blaine look out because here is a simple way to make an impossible task look real.

How To: Perform healed and sealed can trick

Here is a neat trick to make a can the appears empty to become full again. Use this trick to impress your science teacher by making him or her think you can create matter from nothing. Heal a soda can and seal it and make this trick a staple in your next magic show.

How To: Pick a lock with a binder clip

Want to know how to pick a Masterlock? All you need is one office supply- a binder clip! This tutorial will show you how, with a few alterations, you can pick a lock with a simple binder clip. Pick a lock with a binder clip.

How To: Beat the stuffed animal crane game

Tired of loosing your money on the stuffed animal crane machine? Beat that carnival crane game and get the stuffed animal you want once and for all. Frustration no more! This conning how-to video will show you the physics behind the stuffed animal crane and how you can beat it. Pay close attention to this instructional video and learn how to con the crane machine to win every time.

How To: Get Free Drinks from a Vending Machine

Thirsty? Forgot your wallet? Well if you have one arm, you will be able to get a drink from a vending machine for free anytime you want! Well only if you can find the type of vending machine shown in the video. Watch this conning how-to video to see how easy it is to con a soda vending machine to get a free drink.

How To: Pick a lock with a hacksaw blade

Can't open a lock because you've lost the keys? Well this conning how-to video will teach you how to crack open a keyed lock with a hacksaw blade.Our host uses a hacksaw blade as his pick. Follow carefully and learn the art of picking locks with a hacksaw blade. Pick a lock with a hacksaw blade.

How To: Hack open Blockbuster Movie boxes

Did you leave Blockbuster and they forgot to open your movie box? This con how-to video will teach you how to open a Blockbuster movie box using an item from the $.99 store. Yes it will only cost you a dollar to buy some very strong magnets to hack open Blockbuster DVD boxes. Watch the video for the step by step process of hacking open plastic movie cases. Hack open Blockbuster Movie boxes.

How To: Open a lock using a fork

Have a lock on your bike or shed but you have lost the key? Watch this hacking how-to video and learn the art of picking a lock using a common kitchen utensil. Yes all you need to crack open a lock is a fork for your kitchen drawer. Follow along and see how easy it is to pick any lock with a fork. Open a lock using a fork.

How To: Open any cylindrical bike lock in 30 seconds or less

This hacking how-to video focuses on the art of lock picking in less than half a minute. It will teach you the mechanics of cylindrical lock so that you will be able to take advantage of the lock's poor design without any lockpick skills. Follow along with this hack tutorial to learn how to open any cylindrical bike lock in thirty seconds or less. Open any cylindrical bike lock in 30 seconds or less.

How To: Perform mind reading tricks for the office

In this video series, Malik Haddadi shows you how to perform some simple mind reading and prediction tricks. Learn how to predict which objects your co-workers will choose. Also, learn how to successfully read what color of marker your friends have picked. Malik also shows you the famous 1089 calculator prediction. So, what are you waiting for? You can start mystifying your co-workers today!

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