Craving candy but have no change? Then listen closely to this hack. This con how-to video shows you how to hack a candy machine by creating fake quarters. This hack trick should also work on parking meters. Never pay for candy or meters again. Watch this video tutorial on YouTube and learn how to hack a candy machine with a paper coin or cardboard.
Uh, oh. You're at your front door without a key. If you've got a credit card, see if you can get it to open the door before you use it to pay for a locksmith. Learn how to unlock a door with a credit card. The lock needs to be the right kind of lock & you need to have patience. Learn how to unlock a door with a credit card next time you are locked out!
Arcade games have always been more about chance than skill (at least when I play them). Whether you're at a children's party at a Chuck E. Cheese's or drinking it up with your pals at a barcade like Dave & Buster's, you'll find similar games that hold the golden ticket to fun and cheap prizes that no one needs—boy, do you want them.
Many have tried to prove (or disprove) that tennis ball lock picking really works, but it still seems up for debate. Mythbusters have supposedly debunked this technique (watch the video). Someone over at the Auto Blog also has tested this car lock method with failed results (watch the video).
Get into a menu in the Coke machine. This video offers the code for hacking into a Coke machine menu. This may not work for every machine, but should work for some.
Stuck in the middle of London with only 1p in your pocket? If you're hungry, have lost your "A to Z" and need to know how to get free goodies out of a British vending machine, check this out! In this video, you will learn how to take a 1 pence coin, wrap it in tin foil and trick the machine into thinking you've paid full price. This hack most likely works in the USA as well, as long as you get the right sized coin. Good luck!
This video demonstrates a way to hack a vending machine for change. First, you should press the top selection button four times, and then press the very last button three times. Then, hold the fourth button from the top and press the last button once more. If done correctly, the vending machine will return four quarters (one dollar) in change. This video may be helpful for people who want to hack a vending machine or who need some quick change.
In this tutorial, we learn how to get a free soft drink from a vending machine. First, you will need to find one of those old vending machines, not one of the new and high tech ones. From here, you will need to sit down and lift the hatch up from the machine. Then, reach up into the machine and find a soda. Once you get your hands on one, pull the pop from out of the machine. You should have relatively small hands and longer arms to be able to do this successfully. Once finished, drink your...
Have you ever seen one of those Snapple machines with the lever coin return? I will show you how to get free drinks or snacks out of this type of machine.
Follow these step by step instructions to learn how to hack a vending machine, giving you two Cokes for the price of one. You and your friends will love this cool vending machine con. Never go thirsty again. Just check out this instructional video and start hacking vending. Machines nowadays are SO smart that they know you haven't received your drink and give your money back. Humans nowadays are SO smart that we can make ourselves not receive drinks we paid for, get our money back, and then buy...
Learn how to con a vending Pepsi machine and access a secret (but benign) debug menu with this hack how-to video. While this hack won't get you any free soda, you might, at the very least, impress your friends with it. For complete instructions for this simple, pushbutton hack, take a look at this instructional video!
Thirsty? Forgot your wallet? Well if you have one arm, you will be able to get a drink from a vending machine for free anytime you want! Well only if you can find the type of vending machine shown in the video. Watch this conning how-to video to see how easy it is to con a soda vending machine to get a free drink.
JamesKesn teaches you how to hack a vending machine. You must use a very specific machine and an exact combination of button presses. For this it is: far left Pepsi, near right Mountain Dew, near left Pepsi, far right Mountain Dew. Then far left Pepsi, near right Mountain Dew. Again, far left Pepsi, near left Pepsi, near right Mountain Dew and far right Mountain Dew. This hack will allow you to see the stats, set the price and see error logs.
Check out this video from CouponCodesHero on hacking a vending machine in no time. All you need is a little packing tape and some paper money, then fool the machine to either get free stuff, or use the "change" to get free money!
In this simple instructional video, I will teach you a method of using a pencil and pencil cushion to cleverly cheat on any test. No one will notice a thing and if you do a good job at it, you'll earn yourself straight A's every time!
There are a few ways to successfully cheat on a test without getting caught, Here's one of them! Like most, office and school supplies will be needed. For this one though all you pretty much need is an eraser. By the time you're done with this hack, you'll be getting straight As for sure.
You've seen many videos out there that teach you how to successfully cheat to pass an exam. Well here is one more and like the others, it requires the use of a pen. Check out the instructional video for further details.
I need to hire a professional hacker that can hack a Facebook account without the owner of the account noticing! is it possible ? it is urgent ! I need help please
Frosted glass windows are meant for privacy, plain and simple. Sometimes you see it used for aesthetic effect, but primarily it's used to let a little light in while keeping wandering eyes out—unless those wandering eyes have some Scotch tape in their pocket.
It's no surprise that Costco has great deals, and that's why millions pay annual fees for the privilege to shop in their wholesale outlets. Just take their hotdog and soda combo for $1.50—it's the same price now as it was 27 years ago.
Sometimes the best place to hide something is where people least expect it, so in this project, we're making a super secret safe that only you'll know about.
This is a simple yet effective trick with you can impress people and make them laugh. They will never know how is this possible, maybe even you after watching this video and trying it yourself.
I've never understood gift cards. Aside from being severely restricted as to where you can use them, they're also a strange gift, especially if you don't shop at that particular store. Some even have expiration dates and service fees.
Living in Los Angeles has given me the opportunity to attend a bunch of really cool events. I've been to Dodgers, Lakers, and Clippers games, a few concerts at the Staples Center, and a plethora of smaller joints.
Just because you're not Batman doesn't mean you can't use a hidden room that's camouflaged as a bookshelf. Maybe you have a collection that's worth a lot of money, or a super-secret lab—or, like YouTube user korostelevm, maybe you just want a good hiding place for your guns.
Are you constantly traveling? Well, as a Hilton HHonors member, you can enjoy special treatment at all of their hotels and resorts. It's free to register, but the difficulty lies in climbing up their membership level. To reach Gold elite status, Hilton HHonors requires that you have a minimum of 20 stays, 40 nights, or 75,000 base points—all in one year.
Want to secure your home? There are plenty of ways to go about it. You can make your doorbell send you a text if someone rings it while you're not home, or build a motion-triggered security camera. Even better, you can beat potential crooks at their own game by installing a door they can't even find.
If you find yourself desperate and need a way to sneak a peek at the answers while you are taking your next big test, this video offers a very clever solution, using the label of a Coke bottle. But don't work too hard on cheating when you could just study!
If you've ever taken a university course with an awesome professor, you're more than likely acquainted with the precious and all-glorious cheat sheet. Like the midterm, the professor usually allows a one-sided cheat sheet for the most important exam of the class—the dreaded final.
This guide will explain how to configure a USB Flash Drive / Memory Stick so that you can run a keylogger within just a few seconds of plugging it in any computer.
We've seen compressed air power a homemade rocket, shoot erasers across the room, and even remove dents from a vehicle, but how about breaking a bike lock?
Need to save a few quarters for laundry? Then skip paying at the parking meter when you're out and about. The video below will show you how to con your way out giving up your hard-earned coins at a city parking meter. With this trick, you'll get unlimited time. It works by simply holding a quarter in the slot for a long, long time. This will create an error in the electronic parking meter system, causing an "out of order" sign to appear, which means... free parking!
Facial recognition software is being more widely used with every passing day. Your local law enforcement is probably already using it, and it will be even easier for them now that the FBI handed out its own facial recognition software to state authorities. Even the fine folks at Facebook are using this technology.
If you go to a lot of concerts and shows, you know that it can be easy to spend more on drinks than you spent on the ticket for the event itself. With this "vodka stash water bottle" you'll never have to pay for alcohol at a show again—assuming you like clear liquor, that is.
This article was created to help educate individuals about the art of Social Engineering. It is my personal philosophy that the best combatant against "wrong doers" is educating a populace. Ignorance is the cancer that devours liberty!
In this article, you will find out how you can simulate poor network service on incoming callers on your Android phone using an Android app called CallDropper.
Grab a thin tension wrench and a thicker tension wrench, combine them with your favorite pick, and you'll be ready to unlock that 700 series American Lock that you, or someone you know has lost the key to.
Have something expensive or personal to hide? Something you don't want anybody else to find? A secret book compartment is perfect for concealing your valuables in plain sight. And this video will show you how to make your own hidden recess for your very own book safe. Just grab your desired book, a razor knife and some other materials, like water, glue, a paintbrush, container, pencil, and straightedge (ruler).
If you've forgotten your combination, or for some other reason want to get past a Brinks number lock, this tutorial shows you how to do it. All you need is a bobby pin. Slide the bobby pin down towards the lock wheels. Then spin the wheels slowly, from top to bottom. As you spin each wheel to the correct number, the bobby pin will slide down a little more. And once the bobby pin is all the way down, not only have you unlocked the lock, you've figured out the combination!
...this anonymous dude for keeping it ingeniously simple. Who is he? No idea, but John Doe is now web famous. No need to spend all that time modifying pens and Coke labels. A coat sleeve will do just fine.