From Boing Boing, a highly amusing photo gallery of illegal goods seized by airport customs officials in Australia. Some are fairly typical, but others really make you wonder... Yes, I'm most definitely talking about the tropical fish skirt lady.

Mr. Potatohead filled with 293 grams of ecstasy (Sydney, Australia).

51 live tropical fish hidden in a specially designed, hidden apron (Singapore to Melbourne).

50 bottles containing illegal liquid steroids hidden inside fake sex lube bottles (Australia).

Two live pigeons stuffed into a man's tights, along with two bird eggs, plant seeds and undeclared samples of eggplant (Dubai to Melbourne).

Two adult and two baby southern leaf tail geckos hidden in a hollowed out book (Australia).

A wooden door containing about 5 kg (11 pounds) of cocaine (Mexico to Australia).

Two statues made of ephedrine, a drug used to make speed or methamphetamine (Australia).
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