How To: Make invisible ink

Make invisible ink

Write a secret message with invisible ink using these simple household items.

Step 1: Put lemon juice in bowl

Put the lemon juice in a bowl and dip your cotton swab in the lemon juice.

TIP: Using milk, vinegar, or orange juice instead of lemon juice will have the same effect.

Step 2: Write your message

Write your secret message on the paper with your cotton swab and let the writing dry completely. The message will be invisible when the message dries.

TIP: You can use a paintbrush or a toothpick instead of a cotton swab.

Step 3: Heat the paper

Hold the paper near the light bulb to expose it to the heat, but don't rest the paper on the bulb.

Step 4: Message appears

Watch in amazement as the message magically appears. The words will appear in a tan or brown color.

Did you know? Arizona and California produce 95 percent of the U.S. lemon crop.

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