You've seen plenty of videos about hacking Master Lock combinations. But what about those American Locks? They always seem to be forgotten, since Master Lock is the biggest combination lock producer o ...
From Boing Boing, a highly amusing photo gallery of illegal goods seized by airport customs officials in Australia. Some are fairly typical, but others really make you wonder... Yes, I'm most definite ...
Think credit card numbers are just a meaningless jumble of digits? A sort of number soup? Think again! Your credit card number isn't even number at all but rather a composite of four separate numbers, ...
It may look like a modern take on Oliver Twist but, we assure you, this is for real. Before you get too alarmed, however, you should note that the headline reads "how to steal cars" and not simply ...
Every time you see one, you just have to put a quarter in an try your hands at the CLAW! But WTF? You never win anything from those darned claw machines! You can waste ten bucks in quarters and still ...
For the coffee addicts, Redditor therewillbesnacks shares a wealth of insider tips for cheating the Starbucks system. A dollar here, a dollar there- it all adds up. Below, a few highlights from the th ...
Whether it's moles or locks, there are all sorts of unpleasant things that can be removed by freezing them. This video will teach you how to freeze the lock off of a toolbox using plain old compressed ...
Ace every test with this clever cheat. It's an unpredictable way to cheat on a test… unless… you have never worn elastic wristbands in your entire life. Maybe, before you try out this test-cheating me ...
Depending on how well your T-shirt design is, you may never get caught cheating on your exams! The more words you throw on your shirt, the less likely any one would notice they're not just any ol' wor ...
A man going by the pseudonym of Ed Dante has written an illuminating account on his life as a career cheater. His clients include ESL students, hopeless dummies, and spoiled, lazy rich kids: "In the ...