If you find yourself alone and bored with a spoon and fork then this is worth taking a look at. Learn how to float utensils above a glass using only fire and your imagination. This trick would work ...
Ever need ice right away but do not have time to run to the store? Here is an easy way to make water turn into ice instantly. Using a few common household products, produce ice from water in the mat ...
Want to levitate like the street magicians do? Learn how to make yourself levitate off of the ground and shock onlookers everywhere. David Blaine look out because here is a simple way to make an imp ...
Here is a neat trick to make a can the appears empty to become full again. Use this trick to impress your science teacher by making him or her think you can create matter from nothing. Heal a soda c ...
Want to know how to pick a Masterlock? All you need is one office supply- a binder clip! This tutorial will show you how, with a few alterations, you can pick a lock with a simple binder clip. ...
The impossible two circle proposition is a common bet among friends. How is it possible to draw one circle inside another without even lifting your pen off the page? This video will show you how. ...
Tired of loosing your money on the stuffed animal crane machine? Beat that carnival crane game and get the stuffed animal you want once and for all. Frustration no more! This conning how-to video will ...
Can't open a lock because you've lost the keys? Well this conning how-to video will teach you how to crack open a keyed lock with a hacksaw blade.Our host uses a hacksaw blade as his pick. Follow care ...
Did you leave Blockbuster and they forgot to open your movie box? This con how-to video will teach you how to open a Blockbuster movie box using an item from the $.99 store. Yes it will only cost you ...
Have a lock on your bike or shed but you have lost the key? Watch this hacking how-to video and learn the art of picking a lock using a common kitchen utensil. Yes all you need to crack open a lock is ...